
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Michelle Obama covers December/January issue of "Ladies Home Journal"

I honestly can not get enough of our fabulous "First Lady" Michelle Obama. It has been a while since we have had a  FLOTUS which such style and grace.  Shout out to "Jackie Kennedy" for paving the way. Michelle Obama really is a great role model for women not only in the United States of America but all over the world. 

This month you can currently find our First Lady on the cover of Ladies Home Journal. Where she discusses what it is like to celebrate the holidays in the White House. This journal specifically caters to women and everything that entails what it means to be a woman, therefore it is only fitting to have the FIRST LADY grace the cover a few times. This is not her first time being on the cover, she previously shared the 2012 September issue with her husband President Barack Obama. Check out the LADIES HOME JOURNAL  and indulge in all there is to know, learn, and enjoy about being a Lady. 

Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous 

Lela Victoria 

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